Saturday 18 October 2014


This week we had a group of amazing people gracing us with their presence. Our learners enjoyed interacting with the students from Balwearie High School and established an immediate connection with them. We are really grateful for everything that their school has done for us and for their enthusiasm each day.

At times, we at Welcome Primary, complain, sigh, dread the bad and ugly, and sulk when things don't go our way- but seeing the smiles on these visitors' faces made us realise that we indeed do have a lot, even though at times it seems little.

How many times do we, ourselves, reflect and think of those LESS FORTUNATE THAN US? Let us at Welcome Primary try and emulate great examples of selflessness, random acts of kindness, and continuous gratitude. May we always begin and end everything we do with God's name so that all it may be filled with blessings and benefits for everyone.

We look forward to meeting the second group of Balwearie students and staff next week. We hope that they will enjoy their time with us!

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